Christian Living Missions

Welcome to Christian Living Missions -- Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. John 3: 16, 17, & 18 --- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Welcome to CL’MASA-FAM’IA

Christian Friends,

We have our original five Christian Living Blogs. Also, we now have twelve interest sites started, which we will gradually add information; plus we are starting a Christian Family Blog for people to share ideas of family entertainment, past-time, recreation, etc. You can link to them from our home site “Christian Living – CL’MASA-FAM’IA”

Beaver Creek / Camp Dream is not part of Christian Living but some of the same people are administrators of both and Christian Living does actively pray for the Beaver Creek / Camp Dream Programs.

In Christ, NaomiLeah

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Christian Living Aug.20014

Both Naomi & Nellie have been very busy with different obligations. They both will continue to put things on here when they have the time. Nellie will submit mostly under "CL'MASA-FAMIA", the newer name. Naomi will submit mostly under "Successful Christian Living", the name from years ago. About 1970 Christian Living was set up by Nellie as newsletters; in about 1975, Nellie added the selling of books from the Successful Living Business & started using the name of Successful Christian Living; Naomi worked with her family with the Faith, Hope, & Charity Mission during this time; later, Nellie's organization became CL'MASA-FAMIA and Naomi's organization became the Faith, Hope, & Charity Educational Group.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Beaver Creek Programs

 April 5, 2014 Sorry, that I haven't been able to be on here much; 1) with my hands' problems 2) the lightening hitting & frying the computers and everything,  3) along with my going up & staying with (caring for) my folks, I just haven't been able to do much on here. My hands are healing very well, although I can't type for any length of time yet. The doctor's said that it would probably take at least 3 years. My hands are so much better now than they were before the operations. Hopefully, by next winter, I will be able to do a lot more on here. I have all new equipment (replacing what was fried in the electric storm). The new equipment is much more updated than what I had before. Now that spring is coming, I will need to be outside as outdoor chores need attention on our farm. I will work at updating you on our "Camp Dream" which is a priority of mine.  These blogs are important and tie in with the "Camp Dream".  We will start including more information on that.            Nellie Way Dezinski